Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why The Spider - Beats The Bat.

Don’t get me wrong. Batman Begins is very, very good. I love it. But it’s not Spiderman. And don’t hear me incorrectly. It doesn’t have to be. Comparing Batman and Spiderman, should be, and always will be, like comparing apples and oranges. But sometimes, an apple is just better than an orange :)

Spiderman is all about a boy being in love with a girl. Spiderman is not all that surreal. Ok, getting bitten by a spider and getting super human powers, is not all that common. But what is common, is the choices that Peter Parker faces in his life. We are often faced with choosing between two different paths, and both paths are good. Does Peter Parker pursue the girl, and forget about Spiderman? Or does he fight evil and be Spiderman, but not get the girl? Or is he able to somehow be Spiderman and still get the girl?

Spiderman is all about the choices we make, and the impact they can have on our lives. What person hasn’t thought about ‘seeking revenge’ by allowing something bad to happen, almost in some sort of Karma fashion? This is a natural feeling. But when we have the power, we need to act responsibly. “With great power comes great responsibility”

Batman fails in this area. I don’t believe Batman acts responsibly. Nor do I ever think that under the same circumstances, I would ever become ‘Batman’.

A friend once said to me “if you are acting out of love, then you cant go wrong”. I get the feeling that Spiderman would agree with him.


  • ahh yes, welcome to the world of blogs my friend! It's great to have you here - I've now got another one to check each day, love it.

    By Blogger Craig Tubman, at 8:50 AM  

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