Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Facebook Revolution

I am addicted. And I am sold.
Facebook is a revolution, that in my mind beats, Blogs, Youtibe, MySpace, School Friends, you name it, Facebook beats it.
Here are a few reasons why:
1. It's so easy to use. SO easy to use.
2. Groups. Such a great way to share prasyer points, or remember them for prayer groups, or keep your bible study informed, and continue conversations from earlier studies.
3. Photos. Easy to upload and sort.
4. Summary of what is going on. It so good to see who is "friends" with who else, and groups they join and what they are doing, all in a summary.
5. Quizzes. Including movies and music.
Oh, I could go on and on.
Facebook. Join now.


  • Overrated.

    Facebook is useful for networking, but lacks the personal touch of a blog.

    Plus, about 99.9% of Facebook 'apps' are unbelievably pointless.

    It is good for public rebuking, though.

    By Blogger Lachlan Payne, at 2:30 PM  

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