Exchange Rates
But we are also welcoming home, some friends.
Its like an exchange program.
Our good friends Lara and Stefan get back from 18 months in the Philippines. This is exciting! It will be great to have them home, and indeed with the addition of a 'new Obbink' on the way as well.
But sadly, we farewell Keris and Em, as they move to the U.S to live in Philadelphia.
I guess in some ways, the return of Stefan and Lara softens the blow.
Pete and Soph will also have a short stint back in the land of Oz later this month, after being in South, Central and Northern America for the past 6 months, before jet setting across to the land of the pasty white people, England!
I love that no matter where people are in the world, the guys are all praying for each other. The guys in the land of Oz still meet for prayer group and continue to pray for each other, but also for our dear friends based overseas. We are united through more than friendship. We are united through him, who can unite the "ununitable"!
This can never change, no matter where in the world we might be.
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