Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Billy Joel

I have been to many big concerts. Some of the biggest bands around, Coldplay, Pearl Jam, Chilli Peppers, Live (not U2 though).

But Billy Joel last night, stood heads and shoulders above the rest.

Billy knew how to play to the crowd with humour, exceptional music and mood. I have never had so many spine tingling moments at a concert as I did last night.

Songs included My Life, Big Shot, Allentown, New York State of Mind, River of Dreams, We didn't start the fire, Extremes, Uptown Girl, Goodnight Saigon, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant, Pressure, You May Be Right, Still Rock and Roll to me and of course Piano Man.

Goodnight Saigon was the highlight followed by New York State of Mind and Piano Man.

His opening gag was in reference to his age, by introducing himself as "Billy's Dad". Great moment.

I will go again, if he tours and I suggest you do the same!



  • Hey Jimmy - it's been a while! I can't help but want to see Billy if he comes again after reading that.

    Uptown girl has to my fave Billy song. Who doesn't want the uptown girl!!

    By Blogger Phil, at 11:52 AM  

  • James Says: Here here Jimbo... I saw Billy a couple of weeks ago too (thanks to Daddy...) and it was awesome.

    We must have gone on different nights though, cause i didn't get Uptown Girl, Goodnight Saigon or Pressure... but instead got Movin' Out (Anthony's Song), Honesty and I Go To Extremes.

    Bummed that i missed Pressure... but my fav was Big Shot. It took on a whole new light, cause he performed it as though he was actually directing at someone and laying into them about being the centre of attention... just awesome.

    Also, wanted to note that one of Billy's roadie's came out and sang (or screamed) "Highway To Hell" by AC/DC. It was a pretty good performance... but all i could think as he was getting into it and the crowd was cheering and loving it was "Really? Well I'm on a narrow road to Heaven - So praise Jesus."

    By Blogger James, at 10:24 AM  

  • Not sure what that has to do with Billy Joel ....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:48 PM  

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