Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Rest and Holidays

You see, i'm really tired at the moment. I need a break.

Its a good thing I get one next week. Part rest, part adrenaline holiday (snowboarding). But its more the fact that I wont be at work which brings me joy.

I was thinking about it, and I haven't had a good holiday for awhile. I have had a couple of 2 week breaks in the last 2 years. But all in all, I think I have had maybe 6 weeks off out of 104.

Now I'm not whinging as I know some people would have it much worse, just stating a fact.

But I ask you, where did the idea of only giving employees 4 weeks holiday a year come from? Who decided that? And Why? And When?

I have been looking forward to next week for a long time, and I cant wait for a week of relaxing and snowboarding. But in reality, its just 1 week. After that week, I'll be back in the office with not much to look forward to.

This is when I am reminded of the greatness of heaven and that we have an eternal rest to look forward to. Not just 1 week. And not just 1 week and then returning to the grindstone. But eternity. An eternity of rest. And an eternity of enjoying the best holiday destination ever.



  • Hear Hear to the rest in Heaven.

    Americans -- at least those whose jobs are new and whose employees are young -- get 2 weeks. Can you believe it?

    Japan gets one week.

    Enjoy snowboarding...ITs as hot as hell here right now...

    Aussie Aussie Aussie...

    By Blogger Justin, at 1:58 PM  

  • Dude that is so true! important to keep that perspective hey!
    Enjoy :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:12 PM  

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