Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Climate Change, Forgiveness and Christmas

So, its been a little while, and its been irregular. My posts that is.

It seems 'Climate Change' are the buzz words of the month. Its on everyone's agenda. Australia is suffering from what seems to be an endless drought. Polar caps are melting, green house gases are killing the ozone and temperatures are rising. These are facts (apparently).

But can someone tell me why its so cold in November then?

I wonder whether Christians are as good as forgiveness as they ought to be. Part of me thinks that non-believers are actually better at forgiving people. I think a Dietrich Bonhoeffer quote helps here. Bonhoeffer said "Many Christians are unthinkably horrified when a real sinner is suddenly discovered among the righteous". I wonder if this attitude makes it harder for us to forgive? The fact that a 'righteous' person would actually 'sin' as we expect perfection. Where as our non-believing friends may not have the same shock value. Point being, I think we need to seriously remember what we have been forgiven in order to forgive others.

Also, Christmas is soon and I just love this time of year. If only it was warmer (see first paragraph).



  • Well, I know why it's cold in November...but I am in England right that may not help you.

    By Blogger Em, at 1:41 PM  

  • Yeh it's been darn cold.

    Although apparently it was the hottest and dryest October on record. Which must have been during the first two weeks when I was in Qld for the windiest October on record.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:05 PM  

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