The Happening Never Really……Happens

It marked the night where I become no longer a "fan" of M. Night. Shyamalan.
Each film he has made has gotten worse. The first 3 (The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs) are films I love, and only slightly got worse. But I was OK with that.
"The Village" was a pretty big step backwards. I still somewhat enjoyed it. But it wasn't in the same class as "The Sixth Sense".
"Lady in the Water" was just weird and boring.
"The Happening", although conceptually OK, is an utter disaster of a film. It has without doubt, the worst script and acting I have seen for some time, possibly ever.
What upsets me the most, is how generic this film is. How it feels like anyone could have made it. But this is from a Director who was meant to be the next Hitchcock.
Although the film has one of the creepiest shots and sequences I have ever seen in cinema in the first 10mins, the rest is utter rubbish.
Shyamalan has (or should I say 'had') a great knack of getting solid performances out of his leads. But what worked in his earlier films (an empty character trying to find themselves, Bruce Willis in both The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, as well as Mel Gibson in 'Signs'), has no place in this film and results in the actors just meandering around the screen looking lost and confused.
This could be career ending for Mark Whalberg. His constant "Oh no" lines when the world is ending around him is fairly laughable and simply not believable.
I am fine with the story but it needed to be explored and developed further. I am fine with the concept, ending and 'twist'. But really, its just poorly executed.
There is very little to like here.
P.s at least 'The Dark Knight' is coming. Gives me something to look forward too!
Gerard told me it was better than the blair witch project... is this true?
Fox, at 3:40 PM
Although Gerard said, and I quote, I wanted to see something more believable. I wish we had of seen 'The Incredible Hulk'.
Jim, at 5:10 PM
I lost it at Lady in the Water, it is over when good actors can't pull it together for you!
I saw the incredible hulk instead, that was awesome!...or should I say incredible.
Unknown, at 2:54 PM
I thought The Village was fantastic.
But I have heard this one is rubbish.
I am looking forward to seeing Mongol though [thankfully not by M. Night Shyamalan]. Looks sweet.
And if you want to see a brilliant movie: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Superb.
Lachlan Payne, at 3:20 PM
The Happening was truly memorable in an unfortunate way. My review here.
Also second the thumbs up for Jesse James. Remarkable film.
CDE, at 6:56 AM
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