Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Friday, July 29, 2005


Today, I meet two Mormons.

I was on my lunch hour walking through Hyde Park when they approached me. Not being one to shy away from a discussion of any sort, let alone a 'God' conversation, we started talking and talked for over 90mins.

Elder Aitken and Elder Ashwan, as their name badges showed me, didn't really offer me any conclusive evidence or reason as to why 'The Book of Mormon' should be obeyed.

They spent most of the time telling me about Jesus, and confirming things I believed.

When I asked them 'what I want to know is more about our differences. Tell me more about Joeseph Smith and the book of Mormon', I got "your question is a good one".

But they would not provide me with the answers to my questions.

I am meeting up with them again next week. They might become my mission field for awhile.

A certain side point of amazement was that I was feeling rotten today, and still do. I have felt like throwing up all day, and have a headache thats throbbing like a sledgehammer into the back of my eyes. But for that 90mins when I was speaking to the Mormons. I felt no sickness. I felt no pain. I felt nothing but Comfort. God was sustaining me so that I could speak to them, and that was amazing.

Maybe I should spend all afternoon speaking to people so I dont feel sick!

I look forward to our next meeting.........


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