
I said great.
He said he wasn't going to take them back because he listened in and they were getting brain washed with 'God Stuff'.
Look, I'm not totally sure what he thought would happen at Sunday School in the first place, but he said he expected it to be more fun. Fair point to some degree.
His neighbour is a youth pastor of a uniting church so he took his kids along to that which was 'much better' as they 'played lots of games'.
Now I have no idea about the two churches, or which one was better, from what he has said its possible that both were good, one was good or neither was good. I have no real idea.
But what was interesting was that everyone in my team at work agreed that church is bad because it "Brain Washes" us about God and doesn't allow us to 'express our true feelings about God'.
What was more interesting, was my colleague who then lectured us on his views of 'God' for about 15mins.
I asked him bravely at the end if him telling us his views on God was a form of brain washing. Of course he didn't think so.
I have been told before I only believe what I believe because I have been brain washed.
I concluded the conversation by advising them that biblical Christitanity is not about Brain Washing, but rather about Heart Washing and that mine had been cleaned.
They concluded by saying I only think that because I had been brain washed.
It's a tough one to deal with.
Any thoughts?
I love it how people think that they can have the objective view from no-where... And anyone who disagrees MUST be brain washed.
Maybe an angle you could talk is simply ask where they get their ideas about God from. Why do the think/believe what they do? Where is it from? Does their God ever disagree with them? Could it be that they are just making God up for themselves?
Where would they go to know about God?
Anyway, that might be somewhere to start!
Andrew Southerton, at 8:26 PM
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