Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Quote of the Week

"I'm a Christian. I believe in God, I go to church, but I also believe you should be able to do what you feel when you feel and not actually feel any oppression - and I love the attention!"

How wrong is that statement?

Read more here:


p.s 2 posts in one day. Wow!

Rest and Holidays

You see, i'm really tired at the moment. I need a break.

Its a good thing I get one next week. Part rest, part adrenaline holiday (snowboarding). But its more the fact that I wont be at work which brings me joy.

I was thinking about it, and I haven't had a good holiday for awhile. I have had a couple of 2 week breaks in the last 2 years. But all in all, I think I have had maybe 6 weeks off out of 104.

Now I'm not whinging as I know some people would have it much worse, just stating a fact.

But I ask you, where did the idea of only giving employees 4 weeks holiday a year come from? Who decided that? And Why? And When?

I have been looking forward to next week for a long time, and I cant wait for a week of relaxing and snowboarding. But in reality, its just 1 week. After that week, I'll be back in the office with not much to look forward to.

This is when I am reminded of the greatness of heaven and that we have an eternal rest to look forward to. Not just 1 week. And not just 1 week and then returning to the grindstone. But eternity. An eternity of rest. And an eternity of enjoying the best holiday destination ever.


Friday, August 18, 2006

Snakes on a Plane

By now, most of you would have heard of a movie opening next week, titled, "Snakes on a Plane", and if not, well you just did.

When I first hear wind of this movie...well I don't need to tell you what my reaction was. But since that time, the internet has become a buzz of stories, rumours, interviews, send ups, gossip and much much more before the movie is even released!

Here is a quick plot summary to get you into the grove: "Samuel L. Jackson stars in the intense action feature "Snakes on a Plane" from director David Ellis ("Final Destination 2," "Cellular"). Jackson plays an FBI agent who is escorting a witness on a flight from Hawaii to Los Angeles when an assassin releases hundreds of deadly snakes on a commercial airplane in order to eliminate the witness. The FBI agent, along with a rookie pilot, frightened crew and passengers must then band together in a desperate attempt to survive."

Let me give you 5 reasons why I want to see this film:

1) The title. I mean. Its ridiculous, but gutsy. Who would think to name a movie "Snakes on a Plane". It was rumoured that the director wanted to change the title because, wait for it...... "it gave away the plot".

2) Samuel L. Jackson. The guy rocks. For those who have seen "Deep Blue Sea", who knows what will happen to his character in this film. But I want to see some "Pulp Fiction" Samuel L laying into those snakes. "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers." It even makes sense!

3) The website is cool.

4) How many great 'B Grade' movies are there these days? Not many. Everything is so long (King Kong), and over the top (King Kong), and pretentious (King Kong). But give me a 90min, snakes killing people on a plane movie anyday.

5) Did someone say bandwagon?

What are your thoughts? Will you see this film?


P.s I know I don't post much these days, its hard. Work is busy :)