Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Friday, March 31, 2006

The Brothers

Last night was special.

As we took the court, a player on the other team said to me. "We saw you praying before the game. You guys are a certainty to win now, with God on your side". Although this comment could be taken as "Trash Talk", the guy is a member of St Pauls Carlingford, so was very tongue in cheek.

But lets just say, maybe he was right :)

Our previous clash with this team, had lead to an astounding 28-28 draw. A scoreline not seen often in local comp bball. The winner of last nights game, assured of #1 position on the ladder going into the finals next week.

In the opening minutes, we blew out to a 13-0 lead. And from there, they never caught us.
It was one of those games that everything went right. Shooting %'s were high, rebounding was exceptional and defence won the game. It felt like God was on our side :)

Tim Clemens and yours truly lead the scoring with 23 and 25 respectively, while Morgan surely picked up 20 rebounds! Defence by Leigh, Chris and Gerard was faultless, as was their rotation of the ball around the key.

But one thing if for sure. the team known as 'Glock Stock' will be wanting revenge in the final in 2 weeks time.

Will you be there to support us?


P.s - Thankyou to all who posted comments from my previous post. I have been struggling to think of something to post after the excitement of the last post. So, this post may be a let down to you, but it was close to my heart :)

Monday, March 27, 2006


This post may ruffle some feathers, and I am not even sure if I can say this in a public forum. I may get shot down, or I may get support.

But was anyone else, who was at 6:45 last night, shocked at the amount of 'talking' which went on during the service?

It was obviously evident when Robin was playing that song for us all, but it goes further then that. Its the constant talking between singing, or even inbetween 'segments'.

Last night was ridiculous and disrespectful.

Church is not a time to catch up on the latest gossip, as I clearly saw people doing.

I had the best weekend away ever on the weekend, and I so wanted to post about that, but it was dampened by what I can only call 'disrespect'.

Keen to gather your thoughts.


Thursday, March 23, 2006


I am in the process of change. So bear with me.

Often, when new competitors enter the market, an existing product is forced to change it order to keep its unique factor which differentiates it from others.

Blogs are similar to this concept. Except, other blogs are not competitors, but rather part of the same blog team.

"Change is as good as a milkshake" Anon


Monday, March 20, 2006


Recently, this image popped up online and sent 'fan boys' abuzz. Why, well Spiderman in a black costume can only mean 1 thing (to those who know the comics. To those who dont. you will have to wait.......)

But more recently, I was talking to Payne about the idea of commitment. And why is it that people these days seem to lack the ability to 'commit'.

And why do people say 'yes' to something, when really they mean 'no' and then they end up looking even sillier when their 'yes' turns into a 'no'.

Any idea what I am talking about?

Why is it people miss bible study week after week after 'committing' to a group at the beginning of the year?

Why is it people take weeks to decide whether to go away, or to join a soccer team (that ones for you Payne)?


What is it about committing to something we are affraid of?

I think the world doesn't want us to commit to things.

But the Gospel commands commitment to Jesus.

Matt 5:37 "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no"


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Its time to go....Chef

I for one, have never been much of a fan of South Park. Yes I have watched it, and yes I have laughed numerous times. But as a TV show to watch regularly, it never got me in. Not because I was ever offended (although I probably should have been), but I never liked the characters that much.

For almost 10 years now, South Park has been offending people across the Globe. But not any 1 group of people. Pretty much, everyone. From Jews, to Christians, and actors to singers (past and present), nearly everyone with a familiar name has been given a working.

But recently, scientology got a sledging.

This was to much for Isaac Hayes, who plays Chef on the series and is a Scientologist, and has since handed in his resignation, stating 'intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs'.
Now this really doesn't sit right with me. Almost 10 years of poking fun at someone else, and then he cant handle when the fun is poked at him.

So there's that.

But what about you and I?

Should we laugh at other religions, but not at our own beliefs?

It is O.K to have a satirical laugh at ALL religions as long as we laugh at things like 'The Life of Brian'? as well. In this case though, when does it go to far? When should we not laugh but take offence?

Or should we not laugh at anything which 'pokes fun' at any religion, ours and others?

Keen to hear your thoughts.....


Wednesday, March 08, 2006


"It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something."

The above is a quote from the recently crowned, Best Film of the Year, Crash.

Crash is a deserving winner. I have not seen brokeback Mountain, but I liked Crash allot, and would find it hard that Brokeback would be better (big call I know).

The above quote rings true to me. I have not been to L.A, so I cant comment on whether its true for L.A (I suspect it is). But to me, its true of all of us. The human touch carries power and emotions with it. Being in the real world, is touching it, or even being in touch with it. We need this.

Without it, we might just need to crash into something, in order to feel anything.
