Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Friday, April 28, 2006

Top 10 Reason The Weekend Rocks

Get prepared for a regular new segment. "Jimmy's Top 10"

10. Sleep, and the opportunity for more sleep.

9. More time to see friends, family.

8. Not going to work.

7. Sport and more Sport (Americans are lucky to have their sporting teams play during the week). Come on Swannies!

6. New movies to see (Movies open on Thursdays meaning the weekend is a good chance to catch new releases).

5. Did someone say 'Board Games'? (Risk, settlers etc)

4. Clean apartment. (Not sure about other people, but I only get a chance to clean the apartment on the weekend. Its so nice living in a clean apartment)

3. Did I mention sleep.

2. The ability to be spontaneous, and do what you want!

1. Church!

Do you have any to add? Leave a comment.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Lunch for Dinner

Last Friday night, Katryna and I had "Lunch (& Cathy)" over for dinner.

Steve Baird recently pointed out to me the humour in having "Lunch" for dinner. But surprisingly, this was not the funniest part of the evening. No, some dialogue which could not have been scripted any better occurred, which still has me giggling like a little school girl "Life of Brian" style ("welease woderick")

The conversation centred around guys playing comp soccer on Saturday and girls playing comp soccer on Sundays.

Katryna questioned "Lunch" on this asking why this was the case.

"Lunch" responded with a monologue on how guys sport was much more important than girls sport, and how girls sport was second class and men deserved to play on Saturdays etc etc etc (certainly tongue in cheek).

Katryna responded to Cathy, in reference to "Lunch's" comments with "I don't know how you put up with it!"

To which Cathy responded..........(wait for it)

"I don't mind playing on Sundays"

Some moments in life couldn't be scripted any better? Got any to share?


p.s In case Georgie or RD read this post, I thought it fair to mention that there were present as well :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"Trabampoline! Tramampoline!"

I dont normally like posting 2 days in a row.

But some things are worthy.

Developments have come to light over the past few days, which solidify what I have been hoping for ever since I first heart rumour of it.


The most well hidden secret appeared in "trailer form" in front of screenings of Ice Age 2 over the weekend in the USA. For a look at it, click here:

Now the date stated at the end of the trailer is July 2007, and I got to say, thats not long to wait at all.

If you do not wish to know anything about the plot, then stop reading. But a small inside, read below:

"All of the original cast, and writers, are involved. The main plot is that a goof by Homer at the power plant results in the government putting a dome over the city limits of Springfield."

Excuse my while I go change my underpants. I pee'ed with excitement.

Lets discuss what you would want to see in 'The Simpsons Movie'


Monday, April 03, 2006

Inside Man

Whatever you are doing. Stop. Whatever you were about to do. Don't do it.. Clear out the next 2.5 hours in your diary and go see "Inside Man".

This is a film which knows how to play to its Audience. With a simple setup, and even cliched characters, this film hits you and it hits you hard.

"Inside Man" keeps you guessing the whole time, and with a clever use of Time Jumping in a way which is unconventional but not confusing, the audience is left with little clues but its not until the end that everything gets pieced together.

The simple story is brought to life with the more then able direction of Spike Lee (who Directed Malcolm X), but also the impeccable acting by Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Willem Dafoe and Jodie Foster makes the film dance on the screen.

With very few special effects, but some innovative camera shots, this film is a character film with twists and turns the whole way. No pointless sub-plots, no annoying characters. This is how more films should be.

Go see it. Go see it now.
