Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indiana Jones and a New Addition

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I liked this film. It had some terrible, cringe moments in it, where i seriously wonder how George Lucas made such classics as the original Indiana Jones, as well as Star Wars.
But its fun. It feels like Indiana Jones, and that's a real accomplishment.
If you look at Episode 1 of Star Wars, George Lucas pretty much destroyed one of the all time best cinematic stories. But luckily, he hasn't ruined this one.
I felt the first 20mins were terrible. But the middle was really strong, and the end was acceptable. I recently watched the first 3 just to get a feel for them again, and this sits nicely along side them, in that it may not be as good, it certainly fits.
George Lucas has no idea what makes his films successful. He thinks over the top tom foolery is the answer (best seen in evidence by "the fridge",waterfalls" and "Jungle Mutt" - you will understand if you have seen).
The answer, George Lucas, is actually the REAL sense of adventure and the honesty you brought to characters. Not over the top cartoon cut out of characters and silly scenes.
That all sounds negative. This film is fun, fun, fun. And fits well. Worth seeing.
First Day of my Life
My good friend, Fox, has a new blog. He plans on putting up some new music that's around the tracks that he is listening to. If you love music, this is well worth checking out. I have added to the links of the right as well.
Another post isn't far off.
Till then,

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Good Shepherd

I have the great privilege of speaking at a youthgroup at Kellyville on Friday night.

I love the "I am" statements in John. Such big bold statements with both historical, present and future meanings!

John 10 is the focus of the talk, where Jesus claims to be The Good Shepherd.

But hidden in the text here is vs 10;

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

For a bit of a laugh check out this website on living life to the full.

We are obsessed with trying to live our lives to the full, by filling it with 'stuff'. Activities, people, thoughts. And these can be good things. But they can also be the things that come only to steal, kill and destroy.

When I lived at Mosman with the boys, we had a visit from a burglar. He came only to steal.

But Jesus comes so we can have life to the full; both now and in the future.

By following the Good Shepherd.


Friday, May 09, 2008




Was I entertained? Yes.

Did I enjoy it? Yes.

Does it have the emotional depth of a Lima Bean? Yes

This film works because of Robert Downey Jnr. I read reviews saying this, and was curious to see if it was true. It is.

Robert Downey Jnr is Tony Stark AND he is Ironman. It works. It works well.

This is slick Hollywood film making at its best. Special effects look great. Story is strong and simple. Script is witty and fast paced. Direction, top notch.

At the end of the day folks, this is still a Superhero movie, and its a genre I love. Batman Begins, Spiderman, X-men....I love them all.

The clincher here, is that 'The Wife' was very reluctant to go. She had to be dragged, yet she turned to me after the film and said she "loved it".

Fun for everyone.


Friday, May 02, 2008

5 Key Things You Need to Know About Jimmy Since August Last Year

Thank to those people who suggested that this blog come back, and thanks to those who supported it coming back when hearing it would!

So what do you say, when you have said nothing for 8 months?

Let me give you an update on life since I last posted.

5 Key Things You Need to Know About Jimmy Since August Last Year

1) I have travelled and I have seen the world.
Ok, both those things are massive exagerations. 6 weeks in Europe is hardly travelling, and hardly seeing the world. That said though, it was an adventure and a great one at that. I now know a few things I didn't before.
a) I don’t like flying long distances
b) Driving on the 'other' side of the road is hard
c) Speaking in tongues is not my gift (by tongues I mean foreign languages!)
d) the earth operates the same on the other side of the world, but the people do not
e) Italy, more specifically, The Amalfi Coast, is beautiful

2) I am Now a Home Owner
Ok, again a slight exageration. The wife and I have a mortage. We are in the process of owning a home. We are in Mount Colah. Bible study at our home is now known as 'Sermon on the Mount Colah'. Gardening is fun once, and painful then after.

3) I am still a Bible Study Leader
No exageration here. This is my 7th year straight of leading a bible study, 3 for TC, and now 4 for 645. I love it. It brings me joy. It is a highlight of my week.
I love that people I have led over the past two years, I know call genuine friends. Brothers in Christ who chew the fat and discuss the big issues of life.
I do feel old at 645 these days, but having made new close friendships with those younger than I, church life is good.
I could go on and on here. I am also excited to see "Kids" I led at TC now up at 645. again, a real source of joy

4) Hollywood is Letting me Down
I have not seen a great film out of Hollywood in some time now. The best movies I saw last year were "Pan's Labrynth" and "The Lives of Others". Niether are Hollywood films. I have not seen anything this year that is amazing and the future isn't looking good. Although, I am very excited about "Indiana Jones and the Kingdwom of the Crystal Skull", as well as "The Dark Knight". On that, I was saddened by the death of Heath Ledger. "Candy" is my favourite Australian film, largley due to Heath, and especially his acting in the last scene in the restaurant for those who know it. I am hopefuly his last role as "The Joker" will be a memorable one

5) I Now Know about Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
My dad was recently diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. It is a cancer, but it is very treatable. It is sad and hard seeing someone you love receive the news they have cancer. And it is sad and hard seeing someone go through Chemo-Therapy as well. I am hopeful that some good will come out of this and he will be healed in more ways than one.

I am planning on being a realist here. The blog is back. But will most likley consist of a weekly update. Facebook is great, but it does not allow one to express his/her thoughts like a blog does.


P.s I just noted that this was my 100th post. Interesting fact I thought.