Eternal Sunshine of Jimmy's Mind

Friday, July 29, 2005


Today, I meet two Mormons.

I was on my lunch hour walking through Hyde Park when they approached me. Not being one to shy away from a discussion of any sort, let alone a 'God' conversation, we started talking and talked for over 90mins.

Elder Aitken and Elder Ashwan, as their name badges showed me, didn't really offer me any conclusive evidence or reason as to why 'The Book of Mormon' should be obeyed.

They spent most of the time telling me about Jesus, and confirming things I believed.

When I asked them 'what I want to know is more about our differences. Tell me more about Joeseph Smith and the book of Mormon', I got "your question is a good one".

But they would not provide me with the answers to my questions.

I am meeting up with them again next week. They might become my mission field for awhile.

A certain side point of amazement was that I was feeling rotten today, and still do. I have felt like throwing up all day, and have a headache thats throbbing like a sledgehammer into the back of my eyes. But for that 90mins when I was speaking to the Mormons. I felt no sickness. I felt no pain. I felt nothing but Comfort. God was sustaining me so that I could speak to them, and that was amazing.

Maybe I should spend all afternoon speaking to people so I dont feel sick!

I look forward to our next meeting.........

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Father of Mine

Yesterday, I spent an hour on the phone to my dad, trying to get him to attach a photo to an email.

"no, no. You need to double click the icon"

When did it change? When did it change from me learning from him. Me learning the tricks to this life we live. Whether it be how to bowl a cricket ball, or how to mow the lawn, or how to pour a beer. When did it change to me teaching him? When did it change from 'i know how to do this' to 'I better call James as he can help me with this'.

The passing of the guard has occurred.

But this is not true with our God (our heavenly Father). We never stop learning from him and start teaching him the way of life.
Our god is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Our God can always teach us, and we can always be taught. There does not come a time when God needs to ask us how to do anything.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Cure for Mondayitis

My Monday dragged on like you wouldn't believe.

But it's funny. Sitting here today, I have fond memories of my Monday.

Insert Prayer Group.

I realised that a night with the boys (Fox, G-Rad and Pete), talking, sharing and praying over a beer and hot chips, that how could my Monday possibly be bad.

Mondayitis: The term given to someone not enjoying the fact its Monday.

Symptoms: Boredom, restlessness, impatience, constantly talking about the weekend just gone and/or the weekend to come. Possible tears.

Cure: Prayer Group. Beer and chips help.


Monster of a Film

I can handle a Rom-Com every now and then. I love "Notting Hill". I love "Love Actually". Gosh, I could even handle last years "Shall We Dance". But "Monster In Law", does very little for me.

One might think that Jane Fonda's first film in over 15 years, would be decent. Something which made her come out of retirement cant be bad, right? Well, I get the feeling she might need the money or something.

"Monster In Law" in woeful at best. A Rom-Com, be definition should be romantic and have comedy elements in it. This had neither. Michael Vartin plays the Husband in the film, yet is completley forgotten about. He needed to step up and tell his mum to stop being a big pain in the backside. What? Your telling me he didn't know what she was like? Come on.

Lopez and Vartin have about as much chemistry as chalk and cheese, while Fonda appears to be looking down at Lopez the whole film wondering how she ever got into acting.

So see "Sin City". "Batman Begins" or even "War of the Worlds" 10 times each before seeing this film.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I AM......

In a recent bible study, something struck me. Something maybe I should have understood a long time ago.

There are many beautiful things which came about when Jesus claims to be "the Light of the world". But one I had not thought of before.

In darkness, much is hidden. In Light, much is revealed.

If we live in the light, then the light will reveal more and more about our lives and what needs to change.

The light will reveal the huge blemishes, as well as the small specks in our lives which need to change.

"Choose Light"

Monday, July 11, 2005

World Peace - Now or in Heaven?

I recently had a 'discussion' with my older brother, a non believer (married with two kids). It was the night of Live 8 and after a few enjoyable glasses of Red Wine, he and a good friend agreed that possibly within our lifetime we will achieve 'World Peace' - defined as no Wars, NOT defined as no crime or nor arguements etc. Big difference. However, I disagreed. As long as there is Sin, there will not be Peace.

During the week, the horrifying events in London took place. I recieve an SMS message from my brother saying 'Go World Peace!' tongue in cheek I gather. I replied saying 'I think this weeks events prove my point'. He replies with 'if everyone believed there was NO God, then the world would be a better place', I said "the better place is called Heaven" to which he replied "Heaven is what we make of this earth. We need to love each other to make earth Heaven"

And to that I replied with "Well you better never upset me then, or hurt me, or dissapoint me, because if this is all we have, you better make the most of it"

I am so glad that we have something more to look forward to. That, this is not 'it'. I'm glad that I believe in a God of second chances, that Heaven is not what I can make of it, but rather what the Creator of the universe makes it.

Now that is achieveable "World Peace", and one I know i'm looking forward too.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Why The Spider - Beats The Bat.

Don’t get me wrong. Batman Begins is very, very good. I love it. But it’s not Spiderman. And don’t hear me incorrectly. It doesn’t have to be. Comparing Batman and Spiderman, should be, and always will be, like comparing apples and oranges. But sometimes, an apple is just better than an orange :)

Spiderman is all about a boy being in love with a girl. Spiderman is not all that surreal. Ok, getting bitten by a spider and getting super human powers, is not all that common. But what is common, is the choices that Peter Parker faces in his life. We are often faced with choosing between two different paths, and both paths are good. Does Peter Parker pursue the girl, and forget about Spiderman? Or does he fight evil and be Spiderman, but not get the girl? Or is he able to somehow be Spiderman and still get the girl?

Spiderman is all about the choices we make, and the impact they can have on our lives. What person hasn’t thought about ‘seeking revenge’ by allowing something bad to happen, almost in some sort of Karma fashion? This is a natural feeling. But when we have the power, we need to act responsibly. “With great power comes great responsibility”

Batman fails in this area. I don’t believe Batman acts responsibly. Nor do I ever think that under the same circumstances, I would ever become ‘Batman’.

A friend once said to me “if you are acting out of love, then you cant go wrong”. I get the feeling that Spiderman would agree with him.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

In the beginning......

Did this blogg page come about by "A big bang"? Or was it carefully created, well thought out with a definite purpose? Well unlike the amazing creation that we live in, this web blogg page came about with a big bang.....or a small thud depending on how you look at it.

What to Expect From This page?
  • Movie Reviews on a regular basis.
  • Thoughts about movies, music and everything inbetween.
  • Thoughts on current events and its impact on us.
  • Things heard and learnt from talks and bible studies.

Please feel free to post comments and thoughts.

Go well,
